Loopmancer ist ein neues Roguelite-Actionspiel

Erscheint für PC & Konsolen

News Video Michael Sosinka

Der Publisher Yooreka Studio und der Entwickler eBrain Studio haben das das Roguelite-Actionspiel "Loopmancer" angekündigt, das in einer Cyberpunk-Welt stattfindet. Es wird für den PC und Konsolen erscheinen, aber ein Termin wurde nicht genannt. Dafür ist ein erster Trailer zu sehen.

Features von Loopmancer

  • Eye-Pleasing Maps and Stages / Cyberpunk-Style Eastern Cities – This game features seven finely-crafted large stages, including: Dragon Town, which comes alive with holiday spirit in the evening; the bleak and gloomy Shuigou Village; the luxurious Tang Dynasty Hotel; the maritime Bionic Beings’ Training Base; and the Biotech Company… Developed with Unreal Engine 4, this game depicts an eastern cityscape with cyberpunk aesthetics.
  • Fast-paced Battle Action – Unlock new weapons and abilities through endless reincarnations to solidify and enhance your fighting skills. Unlock over 100 weapons, cast skills with prosthetic limb chips, and use tech items to defeat the enemy. Face over 30 enemies with unique behavior patterns: vicious gangsters, well-equipped mercs, crazy mutants whose neuro-comp interfaces have been hacked, highly trained bionics, etc. The list goes on, and none of them will be easy to take down. Certain areas will change at random after each life loop. Select your favorite battle mode and investigate the ultimate truth.
  • Rebirth Loop: Real or Fantasy – After each death, Xiang Zixu will awaken in his apartment and begin a new loop. As the story progresses, reviewing what seemed like the correct choice in the past may lead to a different conclusion.Every decision you make will alter the fates of in-game characters and rewrite your ending. Are you ready to initiate a new loop?
