Operation: Shamrock & Awe in Call of Duty: WWII verfügbar

Neue Map, neuer Modus & viel mehr

News Video Michael Sosinka

Sledgehammer Games hat das "Operation: Shamrock & Awe"-Event für "Call of Duty: WWII" gestartet, das viele neue Inhalte liefert.

Sledgehammer Games hält das "Operation: Shamrock & Awe"-Event für "Call of Duty: WWII" bereit, das vom 13. März 2018 bis zum 4. April 2018 stattfindet. In erster Linie wurde dem Spiel eine neue Karte hinzugefügt, "Shipment 1944", die ein Remake der gleichnamigen Karte aus "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" ist. Die Karte wird zunächst nur für Season-Pass-Besitzer zur Verfügung stehen. Der Rest legt am 16. März 2018 los. Ausserdem wird "Shipment 1944" auch nach "Shamrock & Awe" spielbar bleiben.

Darüber hinaus sind zwei neue Waffen hinzugekommen: Die Maschinenpistole M-38 und das leichte Maschinengewehr MG-15. Man kann diese Waffen verdienen, indem man eine bestimmte Anzahl von Matches absolviert. Ausserdem kann man Varianten der Waffen durch Supply-Drops erhalten. Weiterhin darf man sich auf zahlreiche Items im "Shamrock & Awe"-Design freuen und im Zombies-Modus verstecken sich ebenfalls einige Überraschungen.

Die neue Spielvariante "Leprechaun Hunt Moshpit" nimmt die traditionellen "Team Deathmatch"-, "Hardpoint"-, "Kill Confirmed"- sowie "Domination"-Modi und fügt eine kleine Wendung hinzu, einen wuselnden Kobold, der sich auf der Karte versteckt. Spieler, die es schaffen, diesen schelmischen Kerl zu eliminieren, werden mit Scorestreaks belohnt. Dieser Modus wird während des Events in einer "Featured Public Match"-Playlist verfügbar sein und vom 16. bis zum 19. März 2018 doppelte XP ausschütten.


Updates to loot system

  • Operation: Shamrock & Awe Community Event in MP and Zombies
  • New content (weapons, camos, uniforms, charms, reticles, etc)
  • Shipment 1944 (available Season Pass holders today, and for free for non-Season Pass holders starting March 16th)
  • Prop Hunt on DLC maps

Connectivity/Spawns/Performance/Split Screen/Mechanics

  • Fixed issue in Hardcore where players were able to rejoin a match from which they were just kicked
  • Fixed issue where Player 2 in split screen on a guest account was being kicked to Local Play when creating first loadout Offline
  • Fixed issue where players were crashing when equipping Scorestreaks
  • Fixed issue where players crash after accepting invites to a public War match
  • Fixed issue where matches were not starting properly from Featured playlists
  • Fixed loss of functionality issue when players return to MP Menu after completing match in Local Play


  • Fixed map exploits on Gustav Cannon and Occupation
  • Fixed error when loading into a Custom TDM match on Anthropoid

Party System/HQ

  • Fixed issue where upon opening supply drops from the Options menu while in HQ, players would sometimes be transported to another part of HQ
  • Fixed issue where players were unable to abandon Orders when in Major Howard’s menu


  • Various UI fixes and improvements (split screen, text descriptions, in-game store, menu tabs, Firing Range, missing/incorrect icons, Division slots, Soldier stats, widgets, text overlap)
  • Fixed issue where “My Emblems” tab was not informing players of how many emblem slots they had left
  • Fixed issue where green star notification in the Dossier menu was not disappearing for Calling Cards section


  • Fixed issue where players would hear the sound of a truck driving when loading into HQ


  • Fixed issue where unlocking new Scorestreaks also equips them when players have three already equipped
  • Fixed issue where players were able to reload the Combat Shotgun past the max amount of ammo
  • Fixed explosive scorestreaks behavior underwater
  • Nerfed the Volkssturmgewehr (Increased recoil and decreased damage range to be more on par with other rifles in its class)


  • Pushed through some fixes for issue where players were losing MMR
  • Fixed issue where when Player 1 (party leader) leaves a lobby, Player 2 will not be automatically pulled out with Player 1
  • Various UI fixes and improvements (icons, menu tabs)
  • Fixed issue where when one player is kicked for inactivity, remaining players were also kicked


  • Fixed issues with lobby placement
  • Fixed UI issues with Soldier tab and MLG Divisions
  • Fixed issue where Team two (Axis)’s objective colors were not updating properly
  • Fixed issue where some restricted items were still able to be equipped


  • Various UI fixes and improvements (menu displays, description text, weapon personalization, text overlap, unlock requirements)
  • Fixed issue in TDS where some players who were revived were teleported out of playable area
  • Fixed issue where upgraded camo was not displaying for various weapons
  • Fixed issues with Wüstling and other zombies pathing and behavior
  • Fixed functionality issues with 9mm SAP
  • Fixed issues with upgrading the Ripsaw
  • Fixed issue where Pommel grenade fails to regenerate uses
  • Eliminated fall damage (meaning, it can no longer take your armor)
  • Reduced “red screen of death” opacity to make it less obfuscating
