Neues Update für Attack on Titan 2

Expulsion-Mode liefert Battle Royale-Gefechte

News Video Michael Sosinka

Für "Attack on Titan 2" bzw. "A.O.T. 2" wurde ein neues Update veröffentlicht, das eine "Battle Royale"-Spielvariante enthält.

Koei Tecmo Games hat für "Attack on Titan 2" (bei uns "A.O.T. 2") ein kostenloses Update veröffentlicht, das den neuen Expulsion-Mode enthält. Das ist eine "Battle Royale"-Variante, in der sechs Spieler gegeneinander antreten, um möglichst viele Punkte zu sammeln. Impressionen liefert das neue Video und die nachfolgende Beschreibung hat Details auf Lager.


Basic rules of Expulsion Mode

  • Compete for points by beating as many titans as possible within the alotted time. Severing arms and legs first before killing the titan will net more points.

Ten Ability Types

  • Players can choose from the ten Ability Types that will determine their stats, skills, and items. Some examples of these types are Throwing type, which carries Molotov cocktails and can throw discarded blades, and Surprise type which can aim for kill-stealing titans whose body parts had been severed by others.

Items that obstruct opponents

  • This mode will have items that impede opponent progress such as Stun and Paint grenades, but there will be also items available to prevent them.

Opposing Titans

  • Enemy titans from the original work, including the likes of Female Titan and Armored Titan, will also appear. They have very high abilities and cannot be fought with half-baked strategies, but those who can kill them will be rewarded a lot of points.

Comeback chance

  • At the last minute of the match, the points obtained will be doubled. Players can make use of this feature to make a comeback.
